Who is Civica?

Cover Image for Who is Civica?
Civica Team
Civica Team

Civica is an accessible and affordable legal aid app designed to empower women, to navigate legal challenges with confidence.

What we will do

We are building a solution for underprivileged women in BC,because we found that women in vulnerable situations need help navigating complex legal processes and lack awareness on how to exercise their legal rights.

vector of women holding hands

Our core values are

1. Accessible

  • Affordable, free essential resources
  • Easy to use / intuitive (simple navigation),
  • Multiple language options, other accessibility settings (i.e dark mode, font-size)

2. Trustworthy

  • Cite sources
  • Professional sleek look
  • Security or privacy – 2 factor authentication, “exit” button, one time verification code

3. Guiding

  • Personalized steps for processing legal documents
  • Reviewing/improving letters of explanation and/or appeals
  • Chat bot answers any user questions

4. Supportive

  • Chatbot provides personal support for before, during, and after the users legal problem
  • Provide links to mental health resources (articles, helplines, counsellors)
  • Tracker for important dates to track/organize court progress

5. Informative

  • Suggests resources (educative material, community programs, bill changes, how to prep for your court date)
  • Search page with categories such as: Family law, domestic violence, Legal Rights & Advocacy, Workplace Harassment, etc